Robert Bell's

Wines of Canada

Since 1992


Festina Lente

Estate Winery

Billl and Teresa Townsley Festina Lente

Langley Township is home to one of Canada's best meadery, Festina Lente. Which translates into "Make Haste Slowly" This accurately describes how the winery has risen to the top making the most delicious and unique meads in North America. Bill and Teresa Townsley purchased the property in 2010. Bill is the Bee Keeper and winemaker.

"As beekeepers and winemakers, it was a natural fit to explore the lost tradition of Mead or Honey Wines. Of course, over the years, tastes change and we have developed a drier and more sophisticated honey wine that can be appreciated for many years. Honey wine is the white wine that ages like a red, so white wine drinkers can now command room in the most refined cellars and enjoy the depth and breadth of ever changing flavours over time." - Teresa

This past Saturday Barbara and I decided to stop at the Meadery for Lunch. We knew we would receive a warm welcome and enjoy the amazing flatbread prepared by Renee from her food truck High Tea on the Go . A couple of surprises awaited us. One we could have expected the other quite unexpected.

We were lucky enough to be greeted by winemaker and owner Bill as we were about to enter the tasting room. He was on his way to host an event in New Westminister. Once inside we were greeted by Teresa. She had a wine she wanted us to taste this was the first surprise. I called it the expected one as the winery is always producing such amazing wines.

This was to be a comparison tasting the traditional Vinum Regum Mead and a Vinum Regum Reserve made the same way but has spent 3 months in first-run Kentucky Bourbon barrels. 100% honey as a fermentable sugar. Aged 1 year before release Lifespan: 50 years Closure: Nomacorc Envirocorc (compressed sugar cane).

Both wines are light, refreshing with a lovely honey finish. The reserve has a slightly bolder flavour and a little sweeter. I say the traditional was 94 the Reserve 99 or even 100. I will make that decision when I enjoy the whole bottle.


Vinum Regum Reserve


The second delightful surprise occurred when a couple from Brazil came into the winery. They did not speak English. Everyone reached for their smart phones for translation. Teresa was quick to welcome the couple and had her phone ready to translate. The couple joined us at our table. We had a very delightful time enjoying their company and the wineries hospitality.

Festina Lente.

On Saturday the winery has musical entertainment. There was a lovely young lady with a very nice voice performing today.

To complete our experience Barbara and I both enjoyed a glass of Luna Metheglin. A spiced mead full of flavour. It went well with our scrumptious Prosciutto Flatbread.

This is a winery that knows how to make you feel special, supports their community, and makes fantastic meads. They provide that feeling of relaxation and happiness we all deserve.

Festina Lente
21113 16th Ave
Langley BC

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